Bradley Banana and The Jolly Good Pirate

“Yo ho and is that so?” With these words, we meet the proud pirate Captain Clumpalong, who clumps along through life on the high seas as the boastful commander of his ship, ironically named “The Humble Bannana.” (Yes, Bannana is spelled incorrectly, as it was painted on the ship’s hull by an illiterate and slightly tipsy crew member!)

Who is Bradley Banana, and what does he have to share with us? In this fairy tale—that’s as far from a textbook as possible—we hike the mountain with our new friend Bradley, a charming little fellow who personifies the Spirit-in-Nature flower essence for humility. (The book was written to stand on its own merits or to partner with its accompanying flower essence—Banana, for humility rooted in calmness, a calmness born of not needing to defend one’s own ego!)

In our world of instability, crime, and disasters that are both natural and man made, this first of 20 engaging books offers your child a fictional companion of quality and honor – someone to emulate, to inspire, and to bond with. A true bedtime story, Bradley Banana will affirm to your child’s mind that life, at every twist of the trail, is indeed a great adventure!


Bradley Banana and the Jolly Good Pirate play at Ananda

First performance of Bradley Banana and The Jolly Good 
Pirate at the Ananda Meditation Retreat Family Camp, 
summer of 2010., liladevi, lila devi, bradley banana, pirate,, lila devi, liladevi, bradley banana and the jolly good pirate,

liladeviauthor, liladevi, lila devi, bradley banana, pirate


“I like the book Bradley Banana and The Jolly Good Pirate, and I think that people would like it here in Germany. Especially the people who use or work with the flower essences. For example, by reading Bradley I learned much about the Banana Essence, and it’s so much easier to remember each essence with the help of a story.” – Carina Raeburn, translator, Germany

“Hi there! Just wondering if any books other than the first in the series have been published and are available to purchase. I’d be interested in buying more, if I could find them. Many thanks and take care!” – Jen Lamberjack

“My 5-year-old daughter Sabina loves the Bradley Banana CD. Do you have any others for sale?” – Mantrini Klippstein, mother and chef, Assisi, Italy

“I liked it. It was good enough to hear 7 or 8 or 9 times. Love. . .” – Mira Roberts, 5 years old, Nevada City, CA

“I sent Bradley Banana and The Jolly Good Pirate as well as Banana Essence to my sister for her daughter Kendyl who not only loves the book, but I hear likes her essence named Bradley!” – Melissa Yaden, Acupuncturist, Spirit-in-Nature Essences Home Study Course Student, Seattle, WA

“Lila, I just wanted to let you know that Steve and I both enjoyed your reading of the Bradley Banana story (on CD) immensely. Your voice was clear and emoted an excitement to add to the wonder of the script. The guy who did the pirate was fantastic as well. Very well done. Overall it was great fun. You’re really good with creating kids books.” – Martin, OR

“Your children’s stories using the essences as characters is a charming new addition to your offerings!” – Kathy Loveless, flower essence practitioner

“I just got the book and I read it. Oh, my gosh, it is just so lovely. What a wonderful message, and charming and sweet and touches the heart. It’s amazing. I’m just really impressed. Thank you so much. I’m mailing it off today to my niece for her birthday, and I’m sure she and her brothers will just love it. Thank you so much.” – Teresa Dass, Kindergarten teacher

“I think this book is very well put together. Children love animals who have a personal way to relate to your emotions. They love silliness and they relate to the symbolism, kids are so creative. This kind of meaningful book is what works for children; it speaks to them on their level and captures their imagination.” – Marianne Post, Child Development Resource Specialist

“I received my Bradley Banana books and audio CDs today. A book sold within 5 minutes of putting it on the shelf.” – Sheryl, health food store assistant Kalispell, MT

“Just wanted you to know how much I appreciated your lovely Bradley Banana book. It has a wonderful energy. I especially loved your characterization of Bradley—he has quite a fresh and alive vibration. May many discover its value.” – Anandi Cornell, instructor and counselor, Nevada City, CA

“Today I’ve heard your children’s book at the Children’s Sunday Circle. Such a good story!  Oh my Gosh! This is what I ALWAYS say that is missing in children’s stories, something uplifting and inspiring spiritually, but without the ‘here I am going to teach you some morals’ flavor, and full of fun, creativity, and spiritual truths woven into the storytelling. So truly wonderful! Such an IMPORTANT and INSPIRED work! It feeds children’s hearts and the inner child-heart in all of us. Keep up the good service to these tender souls!” – Florencia, mother and musician, Nevada City, CA


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