Your Soul Never Wakes Up on the Wrong Side of The Bed

This blog is inspired by a woman named Juliette. Juliette had a rough start in life and tried as well as she could to make the best of it. Her childhood with an alcoholic father was a not an easy one. One night, her mother woke her up, along with her sister, younger than her by 18 months, and told them to dress. She was 7 at the time. Their father had left for a late shift at work. They stole out of the house in the middle of the night. Juliette saw her father only one more time, at about 10 years of age.

Her mother, she said, was always honest with her, except on one subject: telling her that Santa Claus was real. The mother remarried, but sad to say, to another partner even more troubled than her birth father.

Unfortunately, Juliette herself married a man who was, as she said, less than honest. He too had suffered an abusive home life. Juliette admitted that she couldn’t remember a day in her life when she’d been happy, try though she might.

Where does one go with such overwhelming difficulties to work through?

Sometimes life is like that. Rough. Sometimes there are no easy solutions. Therapy might or might not help, and medications aren’t always successful.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to raise our energy and live on a level of solutions – on the level of the soul, where solutions exist. We might define “soul” as “the individualized expression of Spirit.” Although it may sound simplistic, truth itself is simple.

Our soul always remains in a state of joy. In our essential soul nature, we experience only bliss. It exists above and beyond any suffering of this world. The soul, we might say, is our highest reality, ever present and waiting to be tapped into and acknowledged.

Sometimes there may seem to be no solutions possible in this world, as in Juliette’s case. However, there are nothing but solutions on that level where answers abound – in the soul. Hence the title of this post: Your Soul Never Wakes Up on the Wrong Side of The Bed. In other words, we may rest assured that we will never have “a bad soul day.”


  1. Our souls remain untouched by the endless waves of ups and downs in this world.
  2. The soul exists on a superconsciousness level, that place where our tests are put into a manageable and understandable perspective.
  3. The soul understands that we are bigger, energetically speaking, than any test.
  4. It cannot be affected by our likes and dislikes, “our pleasures and pains, our losses, our gains,” to quote the lyrics of a song by J. Donald Walters (Hansa Trust copyright).
  5. Our souls fully understand that any obstacles we encounter – no matter how severe, including Juliette’s monumental difficulties – are opportunities for us to grow even stronger, in the process of becoming more in touch with the infinite joy of our soul nature.

In my spiritual memoir, From Bagels to Curry, I wrote about my father’s journey at the end of his life as he battled pancreatic cancer, just before he left this world:

The brilliance of Dad’s soul is stepping forward, and I feel I’m being introduced to his essence for the first time. Together we’ve found a tear in the veil that separates this world from the hereafter to glimpse the astral realms. Home now to my father is where the angels sing.

Sometimes it takes a test as pressing as imminent death to spur a person on to working more seriously on himself. The Indian scriptures support this verity by explaining that an individual can make great spiritual progress toward the close of an incarnation. For many, it’s a time of profound soul-searching and tying up loose ends.

In fact, a hospice worker shared with me that: “People don’t leave here with unfinished business.” My father passed 10 years ago this month, I was blessed to witness the dignity with which he faced his trials at the end of his life.

So the next time you feel that you awoke on the wrong side of the bed, you may want to consider checking in with the never-ending, calm joy of your soul.

And then, have “a good soul day.”

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